The “Swamp” in Washington, D.C. is getting nervous about a Donald Trump win.
An insurance policy is being put in place to stop him.
And Donald Trump was thrown for a loop over this scary plan to protect the Deep State.
Joe Biden boobytraps the federal government for Trump’s return
Democrats have been preparing for a potential return to the White House by former President Donald Trump since last year.
A second term by Trump has them on edge.
The former President has the advantage of having the experience of running an administration.
And he’s ready to hit the ground running next January with only four years to accomplish the rest of his goal.
That’s why President Joe Biden wants to do everything in his power to set up the government to hamstring Trump if he wins in November.
The Biden-Harris administration has been putting rules and regulations that are going to be hard to undo for a second Trump White House.
Trump issued an executive order at the end of his term to create a classification for federal employees called Schedule F.
Schedule F made it easier to fire thousands of federal workers by reclassifying them as political appointees, so they lost their civil service protections.
Trump’s first term was hampered by unelected bureaucrats in the federal government who worked to undermine his administration from within.
But their civil service and union job protections made them next to impossible to fire.
Biden repealed the Schedule F executive order shortly after he took office in 2021.
Trump said in 2022 that reinstating it and going after the Deep State would be a priority in his second term.
“We will pass critical reforms making every executive branch employee fireable by the President of the United States,” Trump said. “The Deep State must and will be brought to heel.”
An avalanche of paperwork to protect the Deep State
Biden is working to make sure that never happens.
His administration issued a new rule that created a mountain of red tape for a future President to deal with reinstating Schedule F.
“An executive order would not have impact with this regulation in place,” a Biden official told CNN. “A future administration would have to go through a new regulatory process, which would also entail like explaining specifically through that rulemaking process why a different rule is better than the existing regulations.”
America First Policy Institute labor expert James Sherk said that Schedule F would restore the federal government to a historical norm that existed for decades.
“This was how the government operated between 1883 and 1962 under the Pendleton and Lloyd-La Follette Acts,” Sherk stated. “The historical evidence refutes [the Office of Personnel Management’s] contention that returning 2% of the civil service to this policy would impair government operations.”
Some experts think it could take a second Trump administration nearly a year to cut through the red state to reinstate Schedule F.
Joe Biden wants to protect the “Swamp” to make sure that as little of it as possible is drained in a second Trump term.