Joe Biden hit the roof after thousands of auto dealers demanded he change course on this vital policy

Feb 2, 2024

The Biden administration’s plans to impose EVs on the American people have stalled out.

And as more and more Americans turn away from the expensive and unreliable EV cars and trucks, Joe Biden is using every weapon in his arsenal to force the issue.

That’s why Joe Biden hit the roof after thousands of auto dealers demanded he change course on this vital policy.

A group of more than 4,700 U.S. auto dealers have sent a strongly worded letter to President Joe Biden urging him to stop regulators’ efforts to put higher emission standards in place.

Putting the brakes on the radical climate agenda

The letter comes just weeks before the Environmental Protection Agency’s expected ruling on its tailpipe-emissions proposal.

The new guidelines are expected to increase the standards in order to combat “climate change” fears.

This letter is the second letter auto dealers have sent to the White House in just the past two months on the EPA’s upcoming ruling. 

Auto dealers and manufacturers fear the agency will codify its strictest-ever tailpipe emissions limits, which they first proposed last April. 

The dealerships said the Biden administration never did respond to their first letter sent on November 28.

A Biden EPA spokesperson said the agency cannot comment at this time as the proposal is currently in the interagency review process.

But a White House spokesperson said in a statement, “President Biden is investing in a future that is made in America by American workers as we position the United States to lead the clean energy future.” 

Then the spokesperson went on to falsely claim, “More Americans are buying EVs every day—with EV sales rising faster than traditional gas-powered cars—as the President’s Inflation Reduction Act makes EVs more affordable and helps Americans save money when driving.”

There is no doubt the Biden administration has an ambitious goal to cut domestic greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030. 

And a big part of their plan focuses on the transportation sector where 58% of the emissions come from passenger cars and trucks, according to the EPA. 

Making two out of three autos electric

The EPA says its proposed regulations could mean up to two out of every three vehicles sold in the U.S. are electric by 2032. 

That’s even higher than the administration’s announced target of 50% set two years ago.

But thousands of American auto dealers say they won’t be able to meet the EPA’s stringent goals.

That’s why nearly 4,000 dealerships nationwide have asked Biden to “tap the brakes” on the EPA proposal, calling the rules an “electric vehicle mandate.” 

And House Republicans passed a bill in December to block the new emission standards, and also called the rules an EV mandate.

In their most recent letter, the dealerships asked Biden to “hit the brakes” entirely, citing several factors they say show a slowing of interest in EVs. 

The signers said the supply of EVs on dealer lots is now twice that of gas-powered vehicles, and that they can’t sell EVs at the rate the new regulations would require.

“It is uncontestable that the combination of fewer tax incentives, a woefully inadequate charging infrastructure, and insufficient consumer demand makes the proposed electric vehicle mandate completely unrealistic,” the letter says.

Undaunted by science, facts, and the market, the EPA is also proposing regulations for medium and heavy-duty trucks.

Deplorable Daily will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story. 

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